2 p.m.
Martin Digital History
Martin County and the Treasure Coast is filled with historical treasures. Photographs, scrapbooks, records, letters can provide us with the stories of the lives of our residents and help to build an accurate picture of the history of our communities. The mission of Martin Digital History is to encourage the appreciation of Martin County’s unique history by collaborating with community members and local organizations to collect, present, and interpret relevant digital content. Local historical organizations such as the Stuart Heritage Museum and the Black Heritage Initiative and individuals like Sandra Thurlow, and many others, have come together to help create a cooperative digital community archive open to all.
Presenter, Georgen Charnes, is the archivist and project director for Martin Digital History. She has master’s degrees in library science and communications, and has been an archivist in a number of places, including New Orleans, Nantucket, and Utah.
John F. and Rita M. Armstrong Wing, Blake Library, 2351 SE Monterey Road. Free and open to the public. Pre-registration required to watch via Zoom if you do not attend at the Blake Library. Registration details at mcgsfl.org/events.