"Casablanca" is a 1942 romantic drama set during World War II. The story unfolds in Rick's Café Américain in Vichy-controlled Casablanca, where jaded American expatriate Rick Blaine (Humphrey Bogart) encounters former lover Ilsa Lund (Ingrid Bergman). Ilsa needs Rick's help to secure exit visas for her and her husband, Resistance leader Victor Laszlo, to escape to America. As tensions rise, Rick grapples with rekindled feelings and moral dilemmas, ultimately choosing to aid their escape despite personal sacrifice. The film, directed by Michael Curtiz, is celebrated for its memorable lines, complex characters, and iconic ending.
A masterpiece of American cinema. Light jacket or sweater recommended in auditorium. This movie series is dedicated to former library director, Donna Tunsoy, for her commitment to our library community.
This event is sponsored by the Friends of the Martin County Library System, Inc.